The Hindus attach significance to Navagrahas (or Nine Planets including sun and moon) and they believe that these planets play a keyrole in their destiny. The nine planets are Sun (Surya) , Moon (Chandra), Mars (Chevvay) , Mercury (Bhudhan), Jupiter (Guru or Viyalan), Venus (Sukran), Saturn (sani), Rahu (Shaddow planets - Snake's head) and Ketu (Shadow plaents - Snake's tail) control our joy, sorrow, obstacles, business, career, marriage, progeny, health and longevity and death. The Indian calendars have assigned more importance to these planets and the week days are named in the names of these seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn).
In lunar based Hindu astrology, significance is attached on the positions of the nine planets in the twelve constellations of the zodiac, the belt around the sky in which the movements of Sun, Moon and planets are confined. People believe that transition of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu from one zodiac sign to other sign will bring good or bad or mixed fortunes. All miseries and obstacles caused by one or many planets will be mitigtated by chanting Gayatris relevant to the specific plane(s).
Surya gayatri (Sun)
om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae paasa hastaaya dheemahi tanno surya: prachodayaat
Chandra gayatri (Moon)
om padmadhwajaaya vidmahae
hema rupaaya dheemahi
tanno soma: prachodayaat
Angaaraka gayatri (chevvaai) (Mars)
om veeradhwajaaya vidmahae
vighna hastaaya dheemahi
tanno bhouma: prachodayaat
Budha gayatri (Mercury)
om gajadhwajaaya vidmahae
sukha hastaaya dheemahi
tanno budha: prachodayaat
Guru gayatri (Jupiter)
om vrishabadhwajaaya vidmahae
kruni hastaaya dheemahi
tanno guru: prachodayaat
Shukra gayatri (Venus)
om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae
dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
tanno shukra: prachodayaat
Sanishwara gayatri (Saturn)
om kaakadhwajaaya vidmahae
khadga hastaaya dheemahi
tanno mandah: prachodayaat
Raahu gayatri (Shadow Planet -Snakes Head)
om naakadhwajaaya vidmahae
padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno raahu: prachodayaat
Kethu gayatri (Shadow Planet - Snakes Tail)
om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae
soola hastaaya dheemahi
tanno ketu: prachodayaat
Related Post: Gayatri on other Deities Ganesha Gayatri
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